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Friday 25 April 2014

Lisa Opie Black Bikini on Miami Beach

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Lisa Opie Black Bikini on Miami Beach
I used to watch those instant hypnotists who wave their hand and their mustaches at folks on stage and in a second turn them into walking zombies. I always thought it was kind of bullshit stage craft, until I came across the perky fine cheeky asstastic of Lisa Opie. I look at those twin cans of lust inducement and within a couple or three nanoseconds I am whisked away to some distant subconscious strata where all my defenses are stripped away.
Lisa could ask me to cluck like a chicken or pretend my hair was on fire and I'd probably oblige. Naturally, I'd hope she'd use her dark magic to turn me into her sexual slave doing all sorts of degrading intimate tasks upon her ridiculously hot body. Please, let this dream come true. Enjoy.

Lisa Opie Black Bikini on Miami Beach

Lisa Opie Black Bikini on Miami Beach

Lisa Opie Black Bikini on Miami Beach

Lisa Opie Black Bikini on Miami Beach

Lisa Opie Black Bikini on Miami Beach

Lisa Opie Black Bikini on Miami Beach

Lisa Opie Black Bikini on Miami Beach

Lisa Opie Black Bikini on Miami Beach

Lisa Opie Black Bikini on Miami Beach

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